Electronic Designer
The main purpose we set for ourselves, creating this designer, is to interest the child, to show him that he can collect real electronic devices with his hands. There's no compulsion in the Micronesian, there's no magnificent theory and complex policy frameworks. All this kid will be able to learn at school and college. It's important to bring the child joy and to interest him in the world of hobby electronics. Inside the designer, we put everything we need to assemble real electronic devices: buttons, sensors, seculars, microschems, maquitoes and many other things. To assemble the device, we just need to put the necessary components in the openings on the cloth and everything. No rations! All the openings of the maquita are interconnected in a special way, which helps to create devices quickly. We're wrong, we've got something wrong, it's not a big deal: we can get any component, wire and put it in a new way. We've developed a red and facial book for young geeks. With her help, the child will collect his first electronic devices. Minimum text, more pictures. The book is presented on behalf of the fun robot of Micronick, who reveals interesting facts about electricity, components and adds to new experiments. First, we tell you how to collect the devices on the cloth, how to connect their wires and what to do if something doesn't work. Experiments go on. Every experiment is a small electronic device describing the principle of its operation. We are gradually talking about all the components used: why they are needed and how they are built.
These are the experiments we have prepared:
- Lampa
- Multi-coloured lights
- Electrical booth
- Telegraph
- Dimmer
- Svetofor
- Silly lighter
- Magic fingers
- Code lock
- Maik
- Smart lighter
- Strobosco
- Railway experiment
- Claxon
- Termenwok
- Signal
- Almost piano.
- Timer
- Corridor switch
- Duck hunt