All About Ferbis
Merits: A very active, bright and funny toy like alive.
Insufficient: None
My five-year-old daughter's been asking me to buy her this toy by seeing someone in the nursery. I had doubts as to whether it was too early, but at the end of the day, I couldn't stand it and take it to the mobs, gave it to her for her birthday: I got her stock, with a substantial discount. The show and the board were from the happiness of the long-awaited possession! Very. unusual toyFrebic is funny moving a mouth-to-kluvik, the eyes in which all emotions are displayed, and it's got to be seen how he's been acting after a long relationship with a child! He laughs, he worms like he's alive, and the longer communication, the more words appear in his vocabulary. Never complained about buying this developing toy.