Tamagochi Games
The Japanese electronic company Bandai overshadowed the Tamagochi game in the 1990s, which allows for the feeding of an electronic pizza living in an egg-like plastic device.
The new version of the game will present six types of Tamagochi from the old version. The quality of the image on the toy screen remains low, but the buyers will have two different sizes. The toys can be bought in Japan at a price of 2,000 yen (approximately $18) from the Daily Mail.
The game was first launched in 1996 and around 80 million devices were sold worldwide by 2010. In the original version of the game, it was possible to choose a pupil out of 35 different options. Tamagochi was supposed to be raised from eggs to adulthood by regular feeding, treatment and cleaning. All operations were performed by compressing the corresponding button.