Tamagochi On The Phone
Knowing the world as a legendary Tamagochi electronic toy, on Wednesday, his 15th birthday, a Japanese Bandai company has marketed a limited shipment of marbles in a dangerous colour gamma.
TOKYO, 23 Noah RIA News. The legendary Tamagochi electronic toy on Wednesday celebrates its 15th birthday, on which occasion the Japanese company Bandai marketed a limited shipment of marbles in a dangerous colour gamma, in a producer ' s press release.
Tamagochi, marketed today
The new souvenir logs replicate the very first toys in the market on 23 November 1996 and immediately searched for glory from children around the world. However, in order to make the brackets of the party in the design of the toys, small decorations were added in the form of four-way stars on both sides of the screen, as well as a gold crown figure of "15," symbolically egged, just as small pets of the first start of the game.
A limited series will be placed on the market in two colours, a dangerous pink and a dangerous lila. The value of the product is 5,000,40 yen (about $65).
The future owners of the Tamagochi Jubilee version will be able to pick out 32 characters. Tamagochi's world heroes are amateur of Mamette's adventures, his best friends Memetti and Kutipatti, and his little sister Chamatetti.
Among the usual fans of toys of care, dressing, feeding and entertaining their pets, you can now go to shops, cinemas and even traditional Japanese pits.
The first version of Tamagochi's electronic toys appeared exactly 15 years ago and became a truly global sensation. The children and adolescents of the whole planet competed with a lot of braces with different pets, whose pet lived the longest, who was best cared for him.
The idea of the game was that when the logo was launched, its owner would somehow be the owner of some strange kind of pet, it's really not alive, it's electronic. This pet grows, eats, drinks, goes to the bathroom, sleeps and, of course, demanded the care and love of his master as the real animal would demand. Without proper care, Tamagochi missed, sick and dying.